Disaster Assistance Team

Hypnotherapy For Disaster Assistance Team (DHAT)GHAF Disaster photo

During times of a disaster, whether natural or man-made, the effects can be localized to a small area, city or possibly a region.

In order to optimize the healing time of such an event, understanding the implications of effect and risk are essential.

With an increasing propensity of chaotic events, whether natural or man-made, this foundation’s timing is a blessing that serves humanity and brings clarity to make profound shifts that lead to successful growth to both individuals and society.

Disaster Medical Assistance Team (DMAT)

What Is A Disaster Medical Assistance Team (DMAT)?
A DMAT is a group of professional and para-professional medical personnel (supported by a cadre of logistical and administrative staff) designed to provide medical care during a disaster or other event.

DMATs are designed to be a rapid-response element to supplement local medical care until other Federal or contract resources can be mobilized, or the situation is resolved. DMATs deploy to disaster sites with sufficient supplies and equipment to sustain themselves for a period of 72 hours while providing medical care at a fixed or temporary medical care site. The personnel are activated for a period of two weeks.

In mass casualty incidents, their responsibilities may include triaging patients, providing high-quality medical care despite the adverse and austere environment often found at a disaster site, patient reception at staging facilities and preparing patients for evacuation.

Under the rare circumstance that disaster victims are evacuated to a different locale to receive definitive medical care, DMATs may be activated to support patient reception and disposition of patients to hospitals. DMATs are principally a community resource available to support local, regional, and State requirements. However, as a National resource they can be federalized

NDMS/DMAT personnel are required to maintain appropriate certifications and licensure within their discipline. When personnel are activated as Federal employees, all States recognize licensure and certification. Additionally, DMAT personnel are paid while serving as intermittent federal employees and have the protection of the Federal Tort Claims Act in which the Federal Government becomes the defendant in the event of a malpractice claim.

DMAT: Hypnotherapy Focus

disasterThe purpose of focus of this foundation is to provide assistance and response as DMAT: Hypnotherapy, that is, specific focus in an adjunct support of medical assistance in the way of Hypnotherapy, a spark of light within that begins change.

Each of our certified medical support hypnotherapist is trained in specifically designed techniques for disaster response, and are certified by the International Board of Hypnotherapy.

The complex issues that exists; coordination of resources. For example, when surgical doctors are present, medical support hypnotherapy is a powerful adjunct and compliment to essential allopathic disaster support.

According to a March 2013 Study by the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction, global natural disasters occurring in 2012 impacted the world killing 9,330 people, displacing another 106 million people, resulting in financial damages of $138 billion in US dollars. This compares with 2011 figures of 33,822 deaths, 211 million and $371 billion in victim displacement and US dollar damages respectively. Going back to the year 2000 and moving forward 12 years to 2012, the total cost in human life is 1.2 million; 2.9 billion people have been affected at a total cost of $1.7 trillion in US dollars.

Statistics paint a story of ebbing and flowing need but do not shed light on the complex coordination challenges that exist for teams tasked with responding to natural disasters. While the world has come a long way in improving response times and coordination, there is room for improvement.

In several medical research studies, medical support hypnosis and the mind-body connection have been scientifically studied and proven to be significant components in (and among other things), effectively slowing down heart rate, inducing deep relaxation, reducing blood flow and diluting pain. This is important, because medical support hypnotherapists can be on the ground at the disaster site as soon as transportation facilitates, and in many situations can begin paving the way while the mobilizing and coordinating efforts of needed allopathic care physicians, nurses, medical equipment and medicine takes flight.

Disaster page

When disasters happen, having a response plan significantly adds favorable outcomes. An August 2013 report by the Centre for Research on the Epidemiology     of Disasters, the frequency of which,  the loss of human life and financial expense caused  by natural disasters is decreasing. However, the numbers are still staggering.  The article states that     in 2012 there were 123 million deaths due to 357 natural disasters

Over the last decade, China, the United States, the Philippines, India and Indonesia constitute together the top 5 countries that are most frequently hit by natural disasters. In 2012, China experienced its fourth highest number of natural disasters of the last decade. The country was affected by a variety of disasters types, including 13 floods and landslides, 8 storms, 7 earthquakes and one period of extreme temperature.

Amongst the top 10 countries in terms of disaster mortality in 2012, six countries are classified as low-income or lower-middle income economies and four as high-income or upper-middle income economies (see World Bank income classification). These countries accounted for 68.2% of global reported disaster mortality in 2012. The single deadliest disaster was typhoon Bopha in December 2012 that killed 1,901 people in Philippines.

